NumPy 1.26.4 發行說明#
NumPy 1.26.4 是一個維護版本,修復了在 1.26.3 版本發行後發現的錯誤和回歸問題。此版本支援的 Python 版本為 3.9-3.12。這是 1.26.x 系列中最後計畫發行的版本。
總共有 13 人為此版本做出貢獻。姓名旁有“+”號的人是首次貢獻補丁。
Charles Harris
Elliott Sales de Andrade
Lucas Colley +
Mark Ryan +
Matti Picus
Nathan Goldbaum
Ola x Nilsson +
Pieter Eendebak
Ralf Gommers
Sayed Adel
Sebastian Berg
Stefan van der Walt
Stefano Rivera
此版本總共合併了 19 個提取請求。
#25323: BUG: Restore missing asstr import
#25523: MAINT: prepare 1.26.x for further development
#25539: BUG:
: fixlinalg.cholesky
upper decomp…#25584: CI: Bump azure pipeline timeout to 120 minutes
#25585: MAINT, BLD: Fix unused inline functions warnings on clang
#25599: BLD: include fix for MinGW platform detection
#25618: TST: Fix test_numeric on riscv64
#25619: BLD: fix building for windows ARM64
#25620: MAINT: add
#25630: BUG: Use large file fallocate on 32 bit linux platforms
#25643: TST: Fix test_warning_calls on Python 3.12
#25645: TST: Bump pytz to 2023.3.post1
#25658: BUG: Fix AVX512 build flags on Intel Classic Compiler
#25670: BLD: fix potential issue with escape sequences in
#25718: CI: pin cygwin python to 3.9.16-1 and fix typing tests [skip…
#25720: MAINT: Bump cibuildwheel to v2.16.4
#25748: BLD: unvendor meson-python on 1.26.x and upgrade to meson-python…
#25755: MAINT: Include header defining backtrace
#25756: BUG: Fix np.quantile([Fraction(2,1)], 0.5) (#24711)