NumPy 1.14.1 發行說明#
這是為了解決在 1.14.0 版本發布後回報的一些問題而發布的錯誤修復版本。主要修復的問題如下。
中的排序順序現在將始終是子陣列元素中的字典順序。在先前的 NumPy 版本中,有一項最佳化可能會導致將子陣列作為無號位元組字串排序。在 1.14.0 版本中,結構化陣列的多欄位索引回傳視圖而非副本的變更已還原,但仍計畫在 NumPy 1.15 中實施。受影響的使用者應閱讀 1.14.1 NumPy 使用者指南中「basics/structured arrays/accessing multiple fields」章節,以取得關於如何管理此轉換的建議。
此版本支援的 Python 版本為 2.7 和 3.4 - 3.6。從 PIP 取得的 Python 3.6 wheels 是使用 Python 3.6.2 建置的,應與所有先前的 Python 3.6 版本相容。來源發行版本是使用 Cython 0.26.1 Cythonized 的,已知不支援即將發布的 Python 3.7 版本。希望執行 Python 3.7 的使用者應查看 NumPy repo 並嘗試使用尚未發布的 Cython master 分支進行建置。
總共有 14 人為此版本做出了貢獻。名字旁邊有「+」號的人是第一次貢獻補丁。
Allan Haldane
Charles Harris
Daniel Smith
Dennis Weyland +
Eric Larson
Eric Wieser
Jarrod Millman
Kenichi Maehashi +
Marten van Kerkwijk
Mathieu Lamarre
Sebastian Berg
Simon Conseil
Simon Gibbons
Pull requests 已合併#
總共有 36 個 pull requests 在此版本中被合併。
#10339: BUG: restrict the __config__ modifications to win32
#10368: MAINT: Adjust type promotion in linalg.norm
#10375: BUG: add missing paren and remove quotes from repr of fieldless…
#10395: MAINT: Update download URL in
#10396: BUG: fix einsum issue with unicode input and py2
#10397: BUG: fix error message not formatted in einsum
#10398: DOC: add documentation about how to handle new array printing
#10403: BUG: Set einsum optimize parameter default to False.
#10424: ENH: Fix repr of np.record objects to match np.void types #10412
#10425: MAINT: Update zesty to artful for i386 testing
#10431: REL: Add 1.14.1 release notes template
#10435: MAINT: Use ValueError for duplicate field names in lookup (backport)
#10534: BUG: Provide a better error message for out-of-order fields
#10536: BUG: Resize bytes columns in genfromtxt (backport of #10401)
#10537: BUG: multifield-indexing adds padding bytes: revert for 1.14.1
#10539: BUG: fix issue with python 2.7.5
#10540: BUG: Add missing DECREF in Py2 int() cast
#10541: TST: Add circleci document testing to maintenance/1.14.x
#10542: BUG: complex repr has extra spaces, missing + (1.14 backport)
#10550: BUG: Set missing exception after malloc
#10557: BUG: In numpy.i, clear CARRAY flag if wrapped buffer is not C_CONTIGUOUS.
#10558: DEP: Issue FutureWarning when malformed records detected.
#10559: BUG: Fix einsum optimize logic for singleton dimensions
#10560: BUG: Fix calling ufuncs with a positional output argument.
#10561: BUG: Fix various Big-Endian test failures (ppc64)
#10562: BUG: Make dtype.descr error for out-of-order fields.
#10563: BUG: arrays not being flattened in union1d
#10607: MAINT: Update sphinxext submodule hash.
#10608: BUG: Revert sort optimization in np.unique.
#10609: BUG: infinite recursion in str of 0d subclasses
#10610: BUG: Align type definition with generated lapack
#10612: BUG/ENH: Improve output for structured non-void types
#10622: BUG: deallocate recursive closure in (1.14 backport)
#10624: BUG: Correctly identify comma separated dtype strings
#10629: BUG: deallocate recursive closure in (backport…
#10630: REL: Prepare for 1.14.1 release.